Our Mission
Primarily, our mission is to disciple all of culture and every kingdom to the Glory of God, Secondarily, God has uniquely called this ministry as an instrument to promote the restoration of the Prophetic and Apostolic offices to the fivefold ministry.
As a result, we established DayStar Rising Ministries International for the activation, maturation, training, and equipping of those already called to the Prophetic and Apostolic offices. In that same vein, we labor unceasingly toward the realization of a prophetic anointing upon every Christian ministry, and we labor to witness the emergence of a prophetic people in this earth.
Additionally, we are committed to proclaiming the message of God’s glory or His manifest presence to all of Christendom . God has determined that His Glory “will fill this earth as the waters cover the sea”. We have covenanted to be carriers of this glory, believing God that His very essence, even the very essence of heaven, will be imparted, manifested , and demonstrated before the world.
The glory realm is the heart cry of God, and it is the keystone to every groan, need, and ill of mankind. A proper understanding of the Davidic Tabernacle of worship, along with covenantal obedience, will gain us access to this realm.
Finally, our kingdom consciousness has constrained us necessarily to be active in soul winning, witnessing, and apostolic outreach. We enthusiastically embrace the Cultural Mandate to take the gospel, with signs following, to the hospitals, prisons, neglected areas, and the market place of our communities.
We understand that the Kingdom of God is not only in word but in power. To further the above mentioned goals and the often neglected mandate to fulfill the Great Commission. We delight in the day when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ.
This is our mission.

Our Statement of Faith
DayStar Rising Ministries International accepts the three ancient documents of the early church: the Apostles creed, Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. In Particular: We believe the Bible to be the inspired and infallible word of God. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost .
We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. We believe that the baptism in the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4 is given to believers who ask for it. We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in the present world; We believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ and the consummation of all things. Amen